
Blueberries start late June/early July through mid-late August.

We offer pints and u-pick throughout the blueberry season. Quarts are often available and 5 lb. pre-picked flats of our holistically grown berries are available with preorder.

Early Season

Duke is considered the best early season cultivar available. The fruit size is large, and the quality is very good. The best flavor occurs early in the season when the berries are tangy and sweet.


Bluecrop is the most widely planted mid-season cultivar in the world. It's a highbush variety that produces high yields of medium sized, firm fruit with a slight tartness that is perfect for preserves, baking, freezing, and enjoying fresh.

Bluejay produces moderate crops of medium sized, high quality fruit that is sweet and juicy.

Blueray is a variety with a firm berry, mild taste, and sweet flavor.

Late Season

Elliott is a late season berry with a very good shelf life, 30-45 days with refrigeration. The easy-to-pick fruit is large and firm but can be tart because it turns blue before ripening. Jersey is an old (1928) cultivar with small, dark blue berries that are soft, sweet, and perfect for baked goods. 

Learn about our growing practices: 

We believe in growing our produce holistically, without the use of chemicals or pesticides.